Our servies
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Accident & Emergency
Our A&E is for urgent, sight-threatening problems and eye treatment

A&E department
What this service does
accident and emergency (A&E) service can be found at I VISION Eye Hospital. Our A&E team offers emergency treatment for urgent, sight-threatening problems.
On arrival you will be assessed by a nurse practitioner who will determine how serious your condition is and prioritise you for treatment accordingly. Sometimes we’ll treat your condition straight away, but sometimes we might decide to refer you to one of our more specialist services for further tests and treatment.
I VISION A & E department is open.
Services offered by I VISION A&E
We are a specialist accident and emergency (A&E) department and we aim to provide a first class service to people who have eye emergencies such as pain or vision loss.
When you visit us at you will be assessed by an experienced ophthalmic nurse practitioner and if you have an emergency eye problem that means you need to be seen today, you will be booked into A&E.
Our A&E department at ALMARGHANY is not a "walk-in" clinic. If your eye problem is not an emergency you should see our specialist clinics if necessary.
A&E is not for second opinions, repeat prescriptions or non-urgent problems such as dry eyes, itchy eyes, hay fever and cataracts.

Other useful contacts
You can also get information and advice on eye conditions and treatments from our telephone helpline IVISION Direct, on 01060060090.. At busy times we might not be able to answer your call straight away. Please bear with us and call back a little later if this happens.

Adnexal (tissues around the eye)
This service treats the tissues surrounding the eye ball, including the eyelids, extra-ocular muscles, socket and tear system.

Adnexal service
I VISION Eye Hospital
What this service does
The team in this service treats the tissues surrounding the eye ball, including the eyelids, extra-ocular muscles, socket and tear system.
Conditions treated by clinicians in this service include: watery eye; droopy eyelids; in-turning eyelids; misdirected eye lashes causing corneal abrasion; thyroid eye disease; orbital tumours and fractures; and facial and lid tics (for example, blepharospasm).
How do I make an appointment with this service?
If he or she decides that your eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment with IVISION or another eye-care provider. If you choose to be treated at I VISION, we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us.
Other useful contacts
You can also get information and advice on eye conditions and treatments from our telephone helpline IVISION Direct, on 01060060090.. At busy times we might not be able to answer your call straight away. Please bear with us and call back a little later if this happens.

This is a common eye condition, in which the lens becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.

Cataract service
What this service does
The team in this service treats cataract, a common eye condition, in which the lens becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.
Cataract surgery is generally recommended when your cataract has progressed to the point that it is interfering with your daily activities and lifestyle. It is usually safe to delay surgery if you do not feel you have a problem with your vision, or don’t want to have an operation.
Modern cataract surgery is usually quick and can be performed using a local anaesthetic only. Most people are able to return to work the day after their operation. During surgery, your lens is usually replaced with a clear plastic lens, called an intraocular lens (IOL). For most patients, the new lens is chosen to aim for focused distant vision after the operation. Many people still require glasses for fine focusing in the distance and it is usual for you to need reading glasses after your operation.
How do I make an appointment with this service?
If he or she decides that your eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment with IVISION or another eye-care provider. If you choose to be treated at I VISION, we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us.

Other useful contacts
. You can also get information and advice on eye conditions and treatments from our telephone helpline IVISION Direct, on 01060060090.. At busy times we might not be able to answer your call straight away. Please bear with us and call back a little later if this happens.

Paediatrics service
What this service does
The team in this service offers a full range of treatments for children’s eye conditions, both in our dedicated children’s centre and in community locations.
Our children's service covers all major types of eye condition. These include squints (strabismus) and lazy eye (ambloyopia), refractive errors, problems with the eye socket, tear glands and lids, anophthalmia and microphthalmia (for children born without eyes or with very small eyes), cataracts, external and corneal diseases, genetic conditions, glaucoma, retinal disorders, and inflammatory eye conditions (uveitis).
Our team includes consultant ophthalmologists (eye doctors) and paediatricians (children's doctors), nurses, orthoptists and optometrists, as well as family support workers and play specialists.
How do I make an appointment with this service?
If he or she decides that your eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment with IVISION or another eye-care provider. If you choose to be treated at IVISION we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us.
Other useful contacts
You can also get information and advice on eye conditions and treatments from our telephone helpline IVISION Direct, on 01060060090.. At busy times we might not be able to answer your call straight away. Please bear with us and call back a little later if this happens.

Contact lens
Contact lens
This specialist service is for patients who need contact lenses for medical reasons.

Contact lens service

What this service does
In general, staff in our contact lens service treat patients whose vision cannot be improved with spectacles, but can be improved with contact lenses.
We can prescribe and fit contact lenses for a range of medical eye conditions, such as keratoconnus, corneal distortion, or scarred or white corneas.
We also treat patients with very high prescriptions ( e.g. over +/-15D), or to relieve pain or aid cosmesis if your eye has become unsightly following damage from, for example, infection or trauma.
We cannot fit lenses if normal vision can be obtained with spectacles.
How do I make an appointment with this service?
To be seen in the clinic you must be referred by your ophthalmologist at IVISION or another hospital.
Your referral is then reviewed by the principal optometrist of the contact lens clinic to ensure there is a medical need for contact lenses, following which an appointment is sent to you.
A general contact lens clinic runs every weekday, and specialist clinics for scleral lenses and children's contact lenses run on different days of the week.
You will be assessed in the clinic to ensure you are suitable for lenses. A lens type will be selected depending on your medical need. As the lenses are often complex designs, and are therefore usually specially made, your contact lenses will be issued at your second appointment. You will also receive instruction on handling and caring for your lenses at this appointment.

External disease and corneal
This service treats conditions related to the outside of the eyeball, including the cornea and sclera – the tough outer layer.

What this service does
The team in this service treats conditions related to the outside of the eyeball, including the cornea and sclera – the tough outer layer.
Conditions treated by clinicians in this service include kerataconus, corneal ulcers and infections, blepharitis, conjunctivitis and dry eyes.
How do I make an appointment with this service?
If he or she decides that your eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment with IVISION or another eye-care provider. If you choose to be treated at IVISION, we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us.
Other useful contacts
You can also get information and advice on eye conditions and treatments from our telephone helpline IVISION Direct, on 01060060090.. At busy times we might not be able to answer your call straight away. Please bear with us and call back a little later if this happens.

treats general eye problems and those that might need referral to one of our more specialist services.

Glaucoma is the name given to conditions in which eye-pressure related optic nerve damage occurs

Glaucoma service
How do I make an appointment at I VISION?
. If he or she decides that your eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment with IVISION or another eye-care provider. If you choose to be treated at IVISION, we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us.
Glaucoma is treated by lowering the pressure in your eyes. This can be done in several
Low vision assessment (LVA)
Where good vision cannot be achieved with spectacles or contact lenses, patients can be assessed in the low vision clinic.

Low vision assessment department
What this service does
Where good vision cannot be achieved with spectacles or contact lenses, patients can be assessed in our low vision clinic.
During a low vision assessment, one of our optometrists will perform an examination to identify any refractive errors (problems with focusing) and demonstrate low vision devices such as specialist spectacles, magnifiers or telescopes that could help you see better.
Electronic magnifiers are also available for demonstration, and the optometrist will also talk to you about optimal lighting and other methods to make the most of your remaining vision.
How do I get an appointment with this service?
Our ophthalmologist (hospital eye doctor) will arrange an appointment for you with the low vision clinic if your vision falls below a certain level and cannot be sufficiently improved by spectacles or contact lenses.
Ocular prosthetics
Our ocular prosthetics department is the largest of its type in the UK. It fits and manufactures a complete range of custom-made ocular prostheses (artificial eyes).
d liaison service (PALS)

Refractive service
What this service does
The refractive surgery team uses precision laser eye surgery techniques and specialised lens implants to correct focusing problems such as short sight (myopia), long sight (hypermetropia), irregular focus (astigmatism) and loss of reading vision (presbyopia).
This type of surgery is available for our patients only if they have focusing problems that cannot be corrected by glasses or contact lenses. Such problems are usually caused by irregular focus (astigmatism) or unequal focus (anisometropial) which can complicate corneal transplant or cataract surgery.
Our private patient unit, IVISION Private, provides a full range of refractive surgical techniques for people who would like greater freedom from spectacles and contact lenses.

How do I make an appointment with this service?
If you are a private (fee-paying) patient looking for sight correction using refractive surgery, you can arrange a consultation directly with our private patient unit, IVISION.
If you choose to be treated at IVISION we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us.
Other useful contacts
You can also get information and advice on eye conditions and treatments from our telephone helpline IVISION Direct, on 01060060090.. At busy times we might not be able to answer your call straight away. Please bear with us and call back a little later if this happens.

The team in this unit deals with treatments for age-related macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusion and diabetic macular oedema.

What this service does
This service is part of our medical retina team.
The team in the retinal therapy unit provides treatments for age-related macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusion and diabetic macular oedema.
Treatments for these conditions usually involve regular injections into the eye, which are administered either by doctors or by specially trained nurses.
How to get an appointment with this service?
If he or she decides that your eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment with IVISION or another eye-care provider. If you choose to be treated at IVISION, we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us.
Other useful contacts
You can also get information and advice on eye conditions and treatments from our telephone helpline IVISION Direct, on 01060060090.. At busy times we might not be able to answer your call straight away. Please bear with us and call back a little later if this happens.
For the treatment of squints and visual problems related to the nervous system.

Strabismus and neuro-ophthalmology service
What this service does
There are two teams in this service, one dealing with squints and the other with visual problems related to the nervous system.
Our squint team works closely with clinicians in our children’s service, as squints can affect between 3% and 5% of all children. Orthoptists are also a vital part of this team, as their expertise lies mainly in the treatment of problems relating to how the eye moves and misalignment of the eyes.
Our neuro-ophthalmology team deals with disorders affecting the nerve pathways that connect the eyes to the brain.
How do I make an appointment with this service?
If he or she decides that your eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment with IVISION or another eye-care provider. If you choose to be treated at IVISION, we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us.
Other useful contacts
You can also get information and advice on eye conditions and treatments from our telephone helpline IVISION Direct, on 01060060090.. At busy times we might not be able to answer your call straight away. Please bear with us and call back a little later if this happens.
For the treatment of conditions at the back of the eye which require surgical intervention, especially retinal detachment.

What this service does
The team in this service treats conditions at the back of the eye which require surgical intervention.
Vitreoretinal surgery refers to any operation to treat eye problems involving the retina, macula, and vitreous fluid. These include retinal detachment, macular hole, epiretinal membrane and complications related to diabetic retinopathy.
How do I make an appointment with this service?
. If he or she decides that your eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment with IVISION or another eye-care provider. If you choose to be treated at IVISION, we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us.

Other useful contacts
You can also get information and advice on eye conditions and treatments from our telephone helpline IVISION Direct, on 01060060090.. At busy times we might not be able to answer your call straight away. Please bear with us and call back a little later if this happens.

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